I am very new to leathercraft and have been taking in a lot of information and lurking for maybe 2 months. I have been doing my research on leather types, tempers, weights including how to stiffen or soften and doing a lot of experimenting. So I have bought a quite a bit of leather strap from 1/2 inch to 1/5. One of my favorite pieces I finally deduced after going through a lot of receipts and orders from various online companies, came from Tandy.
3/4 veg tan black strip, the heavyweight strip, and the economy veg strip. How the heck are they so different? I love the weight and stiffness of the black and I figured it was a national chain, so they would have certain standards to keep to. I already had the heavy weight strip, so I got the econ for comparisons sake. I feel like I am missing something important. I am using basically nothing but strip now and will it just be a crapshoot every time I order any? I mean wouldn't the only difference between the black and the other be the fact that is just dyed in the process? Is there anything I can do to get a more consistent strip? All of this trying to learn on my own is ending up with me having a giant stack of leather I'm never going to use. Thanks for any direction.