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    rockford mi
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    woodworking ,making stuff, fixing things, sewed car seats for 20 years

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  1. thanks for the input, is ,there good place to order this part ,or should I just search amozon and ebay, also am I correct in assuming that both parts use the "U" size bobbin(28x11mm),just want to make sure, I already ordered and returned one, was the original part for this machine before being converted, I did not know it was changed over and just looked it up in the parts list , thanks for the help.
  2. I have a 111w155 that I believe has been converted to large bobbin ( size U 28x11mm not the m size), need to replace the hook, from what I can find out I believe the correct part comes from a juki LU-563 , part no.B1830-563-OAO or B1830-563-BAO , they both look like mine, mine has the tang on it, but uses the "U" style (28x11mm) bobbin , the parts I looked up say the use large "M" bobbin , not the "U", something is not adding up, any help would be great , thanks
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