This is my first post on this forum. My main hobby is woodworking. I have a workshop, which is not heated during winters and there are often sub zero temperatures. So I have been looking for an alternative hobby that I can do during winter session and I have found leather working to be pretty interesting and I can do it in my warm home in a spare room.
I have used search function on this forum, but it had returned too many results where I did not find the exact answers to my questions. There are many blog posts that describe essential tools, but there are various sizes of tools or multiple tools, that can do the same task and I do not want to buy unnecessary stuff.
I plan to start leather working next autumn/winter and until that I would like to buy one or two books that will teach me tools/techniques and some basic knowledge about leather types, their suitability for different applications.
I would like to start making some simple key cases, bookmarks, wallets, mobile phone covers and then I need to upgrade my skills to be able to make some handbags for my wife, as this is the requirement for approving the purchase of tools . So this will be mostly the scope of my work in the first few years.
1. I would like to ask if you can advise me one or two books that will teach me leather working basics, tools, techniques. There are many titles available and unfortunately, I cannot personally take a book and scroll through it in a bookstore, as those books are not available in my country (Slovakia) and online previews only show you only first few pages.
2. I would like to buy myself a first set of tools. I do not want to buy cheap tools that I will need to upgrade in the future, so I want to buy once, cry once. I would like to ask you for some basic set of tools that I should buy first for the types of products that I want to make.
I would like to invest 300 - 500 € in the beginning for a set of quality tools and expand them later, if necessary. I would like to buy from Europe, if possible, so I do not need to deal with custom fees and expensive shipping, etc. I like good looking and good quality tools, but they do not have to be the most expensive just for the sake. I would like to buy mid range tools that will work for a lifetime and will look good as well (like wooden handles, quality steel etc.). I have read some essential lists but I am more and more confused, because multiple tools can be used for the same task and I do not know which is better for me and why.
a) knives: head round knife, flat skiving knife, l'indispensable knife, rotary cutter, trimming knife, Stanley knife?
b) pricking irons, stitching chisels, stitching awls, overstitch wheel?
c) edge beveler (what size), edge creaser,
d)adjustable groovers
e) scratch awls
f) needles and laces/threads
g) other tools
I just need a basic, yet quality set of tools that will allow me to make wallets, covers,belts, straps, notebook covers and handbags in the future. There are too many options and I do not want to buy redundant tools, just those that will fit what I am intending to do. That is why I am asking for an advice.
3. Can leather working be done totally by hand without the use of machines? I have seen some pretty expensive leather sewing machines, but it must have been done without them in the past.
Thank you very much for your answers.