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Everything posted by Logankm

  1. Thank you all. The price isn’t so much the issue, I’m only home 4 days a month and it’s just hard to justify spending $2k on a proper machine with that work-life balance. I have a Singer 15-91 so the thinner leather is taken care of and the Chinese shoe patcher that works fine if I want to sew thicker leather, or repair harnesses and such, but it isn’t motorized and I would like to be able to do larger projects a little quicker. Of course hand sewing is an option when I’m on the road (truck driver) but to make something a little larger like a backpack it becomes a challenge to keep everything straight for a large project like that on the lap desk I have in my truck! Much easier to work on my 6 foot work bench at home, but 4 days just isn’t much time to sew a large project by hand. Is there anything worth getting in the $600-$750 range? That’s the price I don’t feel bad about having something sitting at the house that isn’t used much. I know at about the $1,000 mark there are the sailrite machines and I could possibly bring that with me on the truck even.
  2. Post says it sees 16 ounce leather, I would be happy with 10 ounce, that would do almost everything I need. Wondering if anyone has any experience or if the machine would even live up to sellers claim. https://www.ebay.com/itm/INDUSTRIAL-STRENGTH-HEAVY-DUTY-SEWING-MACHINE-SEWS-LEATHER-UPHOLSTERY-ETC-/224839157095?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
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