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Everything posted by 41hammer

  1. hello and thanks for your time. I am based in California and I am looking for advice on great places to go or where not to go for a class in western boot making. I have 4 years experience in tooling and making stuff like purses, motorcycle seats, belts, etc. However have never even attempted a pair of boots or shoes. I am excited to have western boots be my new avenue of creativity and want to know that where i choose to spend my money and time in learning will be great. anyone who can pass on links, info or advice I would greatly appreciate it Thanks again
  2. thanks for your reply. however with being in california we no longer can get the fiebings dyes and the replacement stuff is water based. i was a huge fan of fiebings so it has been a hard switch. thanks for the info. i am going to see if anywhere might have any of the dye and leather balm left. tiffany
  3. hello and thanks for reading my post. i feel like i want to step up my game and make my belts look more professional and so i want to know what to use and how to seal what i use on the inside of my belts. i am not sure if with the new stains and dyes being water based if they will rub off on clothes over time. i was given the tip to seal them with scotch guard but in reading the bottle it says not for use on leather. also i would love a tip if i should use the same dyes as i would on the front on if there is a trick to get it as even as the front so it looks professional. thanks for your time tiffany
  4. i have been working on a seat for too long and i am determined to break out of my normal style. i am determined to step it up. however i am having the worst time trying to figure out how to assemble the underneath with out any wrinkles. i am following a style i see all the time so i know it is possible. i made an awesome top piece and i want to roll my gusset smooth onto the top of the foam and cross stitch the top to the bottom. however i can't seem to figure out how to make the gusset perfectly smooth on the bottom. the example i enclosed is not my seat but it is the style i am going for. thanks tiffany
  5. thank you for your reply. it did help a lot and the stitching i am looking to know how to do and how to end the stitch is the one on the seat from the tutorial. so hopefully roger will get back to me. thanks again and your seats are beautiful tiffany
  6. hello and thanks for the step by step. I have been searching for someone to explain the stitch you did on the seat. i would love to know the proper way and what point to start, stitch and finish it so it stays strong over time and so you can't tell where it is finished. also how far apart do you do the holes and any helpful tips on the stitch. thank you tiffany
  7. Thanks for the reply. I am very new to this site and I am not great on the computer. I have been told he is a member but I couldn't find him. If you do I would love to know how. I met him in person and he is very nice. I am so excited to start the seat I have so i appreciate your help.
  8. Thank you! The lacing part makes total sense. Have you ever done it before? I am wondering how to finish it so it stays on strong and doesn't come undone over time. This one might be a dumb question but you would do the stitch and finish it before any assembly to the seat? What kind of bike do you have? I just got my liscence and I am trying to get my husband to build my bike. thanks again for all your time
  9. Thank you for getting back to me!! I have been trying to upload a picture but I am a little behind the times and still have dial up so it is not working. I do know if you go to www.dbcustomleather.com and click on pictures there is a seat in the first row on the right corner that has what I am looking for. I was trying to find it on here but I am not great with computers. The one on the website you can still see a little bit of the seat pan and I do not want that look but it has the correct stitch. I can't tell by that one but i will be using eyelits for my holes and I know that will make a difference with when and how the order of assembly goes. I really appreciate your time. My friend has been waiting for me to do his seat since January 2nd and I am afraid to start until I know how to assemble and stitch it. Thanks again
  10. hello and thanks for reading my bit. i am fairly new to leather work and very new to this site. i love all the information and being able to share and compare. i am looking for a place to find a how to on a type of stitch commonly used on motorcycle seats that is in the shape of an X. I would love to know how to start and finish it properly and how far to space the holes and during what order in assembly do you do it. any leads would help greatly. thank you
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