I own the original notetaker wallet, and it is perfect for me, except that having to fold and unfold cash is a hassle, has caused the stitching to rip out, and the in-use thickness is also greater with cash folded over. I'm considering buying the trifold notetaker wallet, and wondered how the ballistic cloth version is holding up over time, and if stretching of credit card pockets, etc., is a problem. The only apparent downside to the design of the trifold for me, is the added thickness of the front credit card flap. I.e., I get along fine with the two credit card slots in my original wallet, however I do have four cards in one of them, so the extra thickness of the flap on the trifold would be partially offset by this fact. (Note that I have no problem pulling out any of the four cards; I'm more about compactness.) Thanks.