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    Working with leather

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    Leather wallet, holster, bags
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  1. Thank you and I'll take your advice. The raw materials should come next week. Then I'll write how it turned out.
  2. Thank you so much for your response. I'll test the ratios and let you know. I still need to get some quality tallow, but that won't be a problem. I will try to figure out how much vitamin E and citronella to give to get the right effect and it's not wasted because of the low concentration.
  3. Good evening, Could someone, please advise me on the ratio of the ingredients in the conditioner? I would like to try making a conditioner with beef tallow, lanolin and beeswax. Does anyone have verified ratios of these ingredients, which really works, please? I would also like to put citronella in there against bacteria and fungi. Lastly, I want to put vitamin E in there against oxidation, I just don't know how many drops of essential oil and vitamin E. I can put in there to have the proper effect. Thank you very much for the answers. Marek
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