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  1. I tried realignment again, The pics attached does not make sense that it could be dead center at position 1 and vastly so different at position 2? Bent rail?? I put a level on it and its level.
  2. I have an OMtech 2028 60 w C02 -Lightburn software. After replacing (upgrading) mirrors and lens, realigning beam, I get a light marking onto the material. The AMP meter shows normal output for setting but it seems the power isnt there to cut or engrave. Mind you, it was perfect up until I add the chiller. I thought maybe when moving the laser unit to access the back side of the unit to connect chillers hoses that I might have knocks something loose or broke something physically. Once I get to OMTech support the just keep asking for pictures/videos etc (which I have sent) but I get no support and I cant wait weeks to solve the problem, because I have built a business around this laser. Here are my thoughts in search of sage advice. With mirrors being new and clean, with alignment dead center, with power supply acknowledging correct output for power setting, the only thing I can think of is a bad tube? Thoughts?
  3. Laser not engraving/cutting material. I set power 20/20 pulse and get 17mA. But go to engrave and 0-03mA output and not even marking material. Do I have a bad tube or power supply? Even tested at 45/45 with same outcome? Troy
  4. Looking for anyone with experience in laser mirrors? Problem is between mirror 2 and 3, no power. Plenty of tape burn from 1 to 2, but when I pulse nothing gets from 2-3 and the pulse is unmarkable on paper or tape. Any clues would be helpful. Will be replacing mirrors, but I have cleansed the mirrors, realigned up to 2, but not enough power from 2-3 to check alignment. Thanks in advance.
  5. Resolution: Had to purchase new motor. Tech support thought it could be controller board or motor. I opted to go with new motor since it would include the control board. I have been hand skiving materials in the interim and I have a deeper love for my SK-4 now. Thank you all. Great discussion
  6. Good idea. I have no problems with it until now. Thank you
  7. good info. I took a part the covers to visually inspect the bell, stone and feeder. I pulled the belt off the motor pully and it still blew the fuse. Sounds like I have a bad motor! YIKES! Nothing is binding, everything freely turns. The machine is fairly new, I could not imagine it lasting this short duration. As I try to rotate the pully, it has resistance, when I push on the foot pedal and rotate the pully, the pully moves freely. I guess I'll be making a call to Techsew tomorrow. Thanks all for steering me in the right direction.
  8. I see Techsew sells T 10amp 250v fuses which are "slow blow", not fast blow. Would this make a huge difference?
  9. It initially happened when I started sharpening the bell. Then blew. I will do a visual of the knife itself and see if it being binded up or something stuck there. Recently oiled a week ago and was working fine until sharpening. Appreciate the feedback, thank you
  10. What's up family- I was sharpening my bell the other day when the fuse blew. Got some new fuses and every time I change it and press the foot lever, it blows another one. Any ideas or thoughts on why this is happening? Fuses are 10A 250. Troy
  11. Thanks for the response. This was the position that timed with the hook in the scarf. After much deliberation, I went below and loosened the bolts on the shaft and somehow it fell into place. All is working now and perfectly timed. Weird how sometimes things work out. I'm not sure what I did, but it was a blessing.
  12. Hello Friends, New issue. I swapped out an #18 needle to a #24 to load thicker thread. Even though the needles are the same length, I needed to adjust the position of the hook shaft because the hook was running into the needle. Got the hook to clear and positioned perfectly in the scarf, but now (see pics) the needle is running past the saddle and causing it to slightly bend. Does the saddle move perpendicular only or is there an up/down position as well? Stitch length set to '3'. Needle is all the way into the needle bar and needle bar is set to 5.5 cm (55mm) from needle bar rocking frame. I look forward to your responses. @Techsew Ron
  13. Newly added a Techsew 2750 Pro, have a SK4. I have been mostly attracted the Bison and Horween leathers, but one of my favs is Sienna leather from Sepici tannery out of Turkey. Appreciate the welcome.
  14. You are truly gifted. I'll refer to you with any customer requests!!
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