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Everything posted by CitoriJo

  1. Tequila - Thank you. Yes, I need to plan out the handle and closer details. The "prototype" that gave me the idea is this "Quick Slip" from Murray Leathers in Texas. A friend had one and it is literally just to keep the mud and crap off the gun to carry 100 yards from the truck to the field, and then roll it up and stash it away. I'm thinking I should easily get two of them out of a side. If I can't get to a place to see/feel for myself, I will call and make sure the side is big enough so I don't have to join two pieces. The length will be about 54"-56" including the closer flap. They just sewed the seam but I don't have a machine that will sew that (I don't think my regular Singer will do this)
  2. Thanks for the tips - that is very helpful. Would this Apollo Veg-Tan from Tandy work? Is Tannery NYC a legitimate vendor? They have several nice looking hides also in that 2-3 oz. weight, but they didn't specify the tanning method (tannage?).
  3. Looking to make a soft shotgun case that could be rolled up when empty. I don't know material weights, but this would be a material like a Cordura fabric, or vinyl boat covers, or a little heavier than the old time chamois we used to dry off cars with after washing. Basically a long rectangle of material folded in half lengthwise, stitched along where the edges meet, and a flap on the end with a simple tie closure. Finished length about 52" closed. Don't need or want any kind of lining. I would like a suggestion on type and weight (3 to 4 oz?) of material (cowhide, water buffalo, buffalo, etc - I know nothing) and suggestion for the hand stitching - thread or lace - and how do I make the holes for the stitching? I am pretty handy with tools and such but know nothing about working with leather. General shape looks like this snapshot Thanks
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