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  1. Awesome! Thank you Wiz, that exactly what I needed to know. @Wizcrafts I love this forum for the assistance everyone gives. I said in my intro, I'm looking forward to a day I can pay it back after I've learned more. I cannot express how much knowledge I've gained from all of ya'll.
  2. Hi, I am needing some help please and can't seem to find information anywhere (Leatherworker searches and watching Youtube videos) I have installed a roller presser foot, single feed dog and corresponding needle plate onto a Juki 5550. This machine is intended to be a decorative stitcher/boot top stitcher and nothing more heavy than that, as I have a walking foot flatbed and cylinder arm Seikos. Looking at V30/V33? and V46 thread with nothing heavier than V69. My question is- where should the lowest setting of the roller presser foot be? Should it sit directly on the feed dog when in sewing? Should there be any clearance? I know can adjust it at the presser foot bar but I am just not sure what I am wanting as a end result. I am new to sewing and leathercrafting, so I am learning everyday. Thanks in advance!
  3. FYI- I reached out to poster. Machine is gone.
  4. Sailrite offers knurled and smooth feed dogs/feet. I put the smooth in my Ultrafeed machine and they work great. Smooth feeding and no marking. I am mostly sewing 2 pieces of 4oz veg with V69. I have sewn a 4mm veg tan belt for a friend but I used V69 because that was all I had on hand, (other than waxed linen hand sewing thread.) It worked ok. I have just the LS1 Ultra Feed with Monster wheel installed and it will get inconsistent at times though. It works ok if not pushed too hard. BUT I echo everyone's advice here. The Sailrite Ultrafeeds good for a portable, walking foot. They are no production machine. Seriously consider, saving up and find a used Industrial walking foot for your needs and you'll be way happier in long run. I bought my Seiko and its worlds more machine.
  5. I started out on a Sailrite LS1. Bought used off CL. It had been sitting for a minute and had dried oil(varnish?) on the guide rods/needle bar and it wasn't functioning right. After a cleaning, started working well. Like others have said-They are good for what they are, a portable walking foot. Good for someone who doesn't have the space for a full size machine. They have it locked down customer service wise. Call and can talk to a person. Their owners manuals are spiral bound and easy to navigate. Nice glossy pictures for descriptions. Webste is easy to navigate to order replacement parts and accessories. I ordered smooth presser feet and feed dog for mine to sew leather. The day they arrived, I received a link for a Sailrite video depicting how to change out the parts. I thought that was classy. I moved up to a full size industrial triple feed but kept Sailrite also for now.
  6. Hey TomE. I went to a 2 day basic shoemaking shoe at the Chicago School of Shoemaking and Leatherwork. It was a great experience. We made a basic stitchdown Desert Boot to patterns of our own feet. It was fun. Used Industrial sewing machines for first time. The shoes are actually pretty comfortable. I went back and took a 3 day Leather Intensive (Boot Camp) a couple weeks later. It was skills based vs end product oriented. Maybe I should write a review if one hasn't been done yet for those classes. I really took away a lot.
  7. Thank you everyone. I cannot believe all the information here. I am finding some information almost everyday. What a resource. Thank you for everyone's effort and input, It does not go un-noticed. I can't weait until I have something to give back to the community.
  8. Howdy Scoutmom103. I'm in Indianapolis
  9. Jumping in the conversation, I ended up driving to that seller and purchasing this machine. I am very happy with it so far. Was initially looking for a nice Consew 206. Purchased it and found PDF copies of the parts diagrams on Seiko website and a copy of the manual on Superior Sewing and Machine. It is virtually identical to the LSWN-8lb-2 and -3. The -3 has a different presser foot adjustment (not sure difference w/ -2 yet) Parts are completely available through various sources. Seiko was quick to respond via emails too. Seller was great and very knowledgeable. I seriously ended up spending 3 hours there learning about this machine and others. Most of it after the sale. He had good technical knowledge and shared a lot. I would not hesitate to deal with him again. In fact, we actually struck a deal on another item I saw this week over text. Paul services sewing machines and refurbishes them. My impression is the LSWN-8LB is it's a beefy flat bed machine. It looks built well and very similar to a Consew 255? Huge top loading U bobbins. I've stitched 2 to multiple layers of veg-tan, some belts, ect this week and it just goes. So far, my impression of Seiko is pretty good. If it stays this consistent, I'd buy another Seiko (new or used). Thanks for letting me interject.
  10. Just wanted to stop by and do a quick introduction. Very beginner leather worker. Taking a basic shoe making class in next month in Chicago. Learning lots of basics as I go. Learned how to saddle stitch last week. Scored an older, used Sailrite LS1 Ultrafeed last week too. It was super dry and guide rods not working right from lack of oil/vanish/dried oil in guide holes. Lubed and it working ok now. Haven't made anything with it yet. Really excited to be part of this community. Thank you in advance to everyone who has taking the time to share all the information listed here. It's really great.
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