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Everything posted by chris032188

  1. Found an ad on FB marketplace and the guy was selling a lot of machines, didn't think it would be real. I still have to go back and pick up tables. Ended up with 9 225s and 5 straight stitch machine. There was also supposed to be a Pfaff 545 in the lot but he never told me he sold it (for a hundred bucks) before I got there. Bummed about the 545 main reason I went for the lot, planned on selling off the other ones and keeping that.
  2. I thought I replied earlier from my phone but it didnt go through, or if it did alteast I cant see it. No offense taken. I am new to relatively new industrial machines, I am a hobbyist. Its def a servo motor, i installed it myself. My other machine singer 111w has a clutch. I can feather that and sew slow. Idk if its maybe my servo motor (its a cheaper amazon one) its either on or off, it reminds me of my old kx85 dirt bike. Even if I use my hand to control the motor actuator there is no adjusting the speed other then slowing the speed on the control panel. It isnt to fast on its lowest setting, but I would like to just have more control sometimes, like I can on my clutch motor slowly lower that needle.
  3. Has anyone found a larger handwheel that fits this machine? I am looking to slow the machine down (i am already on super small pulley, but the mahcine still feels jerky IMO). I cant find much info on what flywheel will fit this machine. I seen some people in other threads have done it, but I couldnt find any info.
  4. Sorry I don't have a 206rb-1, google did me wrong. Purchased the machine at a flee market and it had no tag. Its actually a 226 i think.
  5. Sorry if I am explaining it poorly. Im getting roughly 6mm stitch length with lever set to max, when it should be able to achieve a 10MM stitch length.
  6. My 206rb-1 seems to be only getting around 4SPI at maximum when the manual says around 2.5 should be maximum. I believe it has something to do with the presser feet timing. I have tried to reset it according to a video I seen on youtube where you loosen the flywheel depending on thickness of material, then lower needle to the material and loosen the 10mm and retighten, but it still seems like it is way shorter then it should be getting. Anyone have any info on how to properly time / set these feet for the lowest maximum stitch per inch?
  7. I been printing with PETG, it really isnt that hard. People made it seem like it was goiung to be so much harder then PLA. I basically upped the temp and its pretty damn good. Any idea what size pulley the OP posted is ? Cura is making it huge when I load the STL.
  8. ressurecting an old thread, but do you have the orginial diameter of these? For whatever reason my cura is loading these at 4500MM and I am trying to figure how much to scale down.
  9. I have a sailrite monster flywheel onone of my older machines, I wonder if that will fit my 111w
  10. Small things (wallets and things of that sort)
  11. I am new into the leather working, but some of the basic stuff I will be making 3d printed template (fusion360) would these templates be something people on here would be interested in>
  12. I recently swapped from my TacSew clutch to a servo motor. I am wondering if there is a way to slow the motor down, I don't mean the RPM - I am using a servo and it drops to 100 RPM, but I mean when I hit the pedal it feels like the motor is either on or off, no real feathering like I could on the clutch motor. I was hoping there would be a way to adjust it so if I lightly hit the pedal the machine would slowly crawl? the TacSew clutch motor was tuned pretty good and I was able to feather the peddle and get a little needle movement at a time / a single stitch (unless I goofed and hit it to hard) which is kinda what I am hoping to get
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