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Everything posted by tysonmi

  1. I think I’m starting to understand. Is yours like this? Mine just has the replaceable blade pinched under the washer. Sorry about the confusion. I didn’t understand for a little. Maybe still don’t.
  2. Are they like these? These are at Tandy leather. Called a safety blade. That’s what my Australian strander uses. I guess I don’t know what the old ones are like if they don’t use a replaceable blade.
  3. That is interesting. Your work looks very good. I don’t know much about tooling but I like how that looks.
  4. I have not used a mandrel for this type of knot before. It might work. I think that the knot is bigger than the neck of the bottle, so at least part of it would have to be tied down in there. I don’t know. I could see if I could use a mandrel in some way. I’m a bit confused about the whole thing.
  5. Does anyone know how to do this? From what I can find out, it was made by Eugene Ulrich. He has instructions in his book on the hackamore diamond knot. It looks to be a fiador knot, which I can do, but I don’t think I could do it through the neck of a bottle. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. Tyson
  6. I wrote a letter to W. J. Budd himself. It turns out he quit braiding quite a while ago. He gave me the name of the man, Andy Boyer, who has the original manuscripts. He also gave me a phone number. I talked to him and we worked out a deal for getting a few of them reprinted. Andy’s number is +1 (775) 397-8506.
  7. I actually got it figured out now and got some more ordered.
  8. I recently found 2 books on braiding written by W. J. Budd. They came with a catalog that showed he had written several other books. I would like the full set. I have “ The Fundamentals of Braiding Rawhide Cowboy Gear” and “ Intermediate Rawhide Braiding”. I would like “Advanced Rawhide Braiding” and possibly “The Braiders and Rawhiders Dictionary”. I have tried calling the phone number in the catalog and it seems to be a discontinued number. If anyone has these or knows where I can find them I would appreciate the help. Thanks. Tyson
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