Sorry for sounding mysterious but I'd rather not say what the application is at the moment. I'm kind of trying to reinvent the wheel.....the proverbial, build a better mousetrap kind of thing; an invention of sorts that's been mulling around in my brain for the better part of 20 years and patentable I have considered most options including laminated pieces but believe it or not that's already being tried by many others with mixed degrees of success. You'll have to educate me on rawhide as the only version of it I'm familiar with is in dried chew toys for my dog. Others who make similar products use chrome tanned and/or vegetable tanned leathers so based upon what's been done in the past I can't see rawhide working unless it's able to be reconstituted somehow and contains that upper top grain. For the pieces I'll be working with I don't need large material. I could easily get away with 8 or 10 inch pieces but it's that thickness that's been the main hurdle at the moment. On that note, is the hide usually split before it's tanned either veg or chrome? What I've been thinking is if I could get hold of an un-split but tanned piece. When hides are split I'm assuming they measure from the whatever uniform thickness they're trying to achieve.