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Everything posted by Tbonesteak

  1. Hello! I have basically a brand new COBRA Servo motor that simply hasn't been operated in about 4 years that I cant get the motor to turn. Motor powers on fine, and I can adjust the speed and rotation settings No wires are loose inside the unit Motor will not spin on any setting option (I have tried them all - see attached sheet I have) Any insights or directions for troubleshooting this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  2. Hello! I purchased a leather sewing machine about 4 years ago and it came with a brand new COBRA TN-400 servo motor. I haven't used the machine basically since i purchased it but now I cannot get the motor to turn, no matter what I try. All the info I have is how to change the speed and rotation of the motor The motor will not spin on any of the settings No wires are loose inside the motor Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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