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Everything posted by lonewolf17

  1. I think my Durkopp is suffering from bad timing but how do i set the timing??? Sometimes i can sew 5-10 cm before i got a neat little birds nest on the underside and snapping the tread, other times i i get the birds nest after 0 mm and of course that snapped tread. Some times it feels like it hits something in the back but i don't where it doesn't sound like it is at the needle
  2. It's this type of bobbin in my sewing machine
  3. I newly bought a Durkopp cl 15 or i at least think it is a cl15 (the tag say 13683) and i want to have the parts list to see how it looks inside before i start to clean the inside so i can put it together again. Some photos on how it looked when i bought it comes here, today i can sew on it but some times it need some adjustment it seams Sorry for my bad English, i'm from Sweden....
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