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    Small bags and wallets

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    Skiving machines
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  1. Thank you. Now the sound is gone but its not cutting anything. Again im testing it on 1mm leather.
  2. https://youtu.be/UpPfv50kcpk This is a video of the sound it makes.
  3. Thank you. Yeah its 1mm thick.
  4. Techsew Sk 4. It sounds like leather against metal i think. Ill try to get a video of it and post it here
  5. Hello, Any help is greatly appreciated. I just got a bell skiver and I've been watching a lot of videos to try and set up correctly. Right now its making a weird noise every time i try to feed the leather. Also, the leather does not move at all towards the knife. First I thought maybe there is something stuck so i lifed the wheel and nothing. The wheel is able to rotate completly fine with no weird sound if i dont try to feed the leather. The moment i put a piece of leather there it makes the odd noise. The way I have set it up is that the wheel is less than 0.5mm close to the knife. I have sharpened the knife recently as well. Also, I have tried all kinds of pressure with the foot and nothing helps. What else can I do?
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