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Everything posted by jimmyboy11

  1. Hello everybody! I'm completely new to working with leather and interested in creating my own hand grips, specifically for CrossFit. Now there are various materials used for these things, including leather and PU leather. This week I went to a leather wholesale store to buy some different pieces of leather. I made a couple of pairs and I'm slightly disappointed in the results. They are too slippery, causing me to slide off the bar. Because of this, I'm looking to get some kind of leather that will grip to a bar (with or without chalk) and not slide too much. A very popular type of material is carbon fiber leather, which seems to be a type of artificial leather with a carbon fiber print or carbon fiber woven into it. Does anybody know this material and whether it's possible to make it by myself or buy it somewhere? I can only find it on Alibaba. The material I'm referring to is for example used in Bear Komplex grips, a popular product: https://www.rogueeurope.eu/bear-komplex-3-hole-hand-grips-carbon-fiber-eu?sku=EU-BK0005-M&locale=nl-NL&_sdst=NL&gclid=CjwKCAjwjYKjBhB5EiwAiFdSfnapUDKurbV_HXXlME7lQsmfQxtqudFYielneEUaMaLm1bwKtischBoCfE4QAvD_BwE. It says "material type: carbon fiber / leather". Hopefully somebody can give me some suggestions for materials to try, and/or help me creating or buying the carbon fiber leather. Thanks in advance!
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