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About SixgunCustomLeather

  • Rank
    New Member

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Western Holsters & Related Gun Leather
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Surfing the WWW.
  1. Yeah, I was surprised to find almost no info on this on the WWW. Been doing holsters for some time, but, never really messed with liners until recently. Go info guys! Thanks much! I will play around some more after a little more reading.
  2. I like it! Simple....yet sophisticated...lol.
  3. Hey JLS! Can you expand on your "glue in on a curve" procedure? I have troubles with some liner materials wanting to bunch up during wet forming. Sounds like you have a work-around.
  4. Hey JLS! Can you expand on your procedure to "glue in on a curve"? I don't like how some liner materials like to bunch when molding holsters. Sounds like you may have solved this issue.
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