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Everything posted by TheDreadPirateRoberts

  1. I had holes and already got mine attached and working. Amazon when i returned the 2 adapters gave me back money and said i didn't have to return the items.
  2. Planning to make or buy a 2 pin molex y cable so i can use both lights on machine at same time. Still trying to locate magnetic cable clamps like the lmc light comes with to secure wires to route away from moving parts.
  3. The edge guide i got is the KG767a, fits like it was made for the machine.
  4. I finally got my edge guide in that I ordered and no need for any adapters just bolted on and works perfect. I did order 2 adapters I found online and 1 might work if i really want to use it. The KB-267 seems like it will work but the KB-09 I ordered would need modification to maybe work.
  5. I finally got the 2 lights I ordered and installed one of them and it should be exactly what i needed.
  6. Thanks for the reply with diagram and info. I will reach out to them for sure.
  7. I know how to read schematics and have worked with electronics since the 80s, i just didn't see any documentation about it in papers i was shipped. I hope i can find info on how to program the position sensor when i get it delivered in a couple weeks.
  8. Just found a random picture online that says it is an led lamp socket, and now just found a led light for sewing machine that has the 2 pin molex plug. Will order it up tonight and hope it works good. I really want the light to shut off and turn on with the power switch for servo, but mine doesn't work that way. Lets hope this one is switched that way. I tried to upload direct images, i shrank then to the file size limit or less and they still said too big so i used google drive as that worked for me.
  9. I can't find any info online. I didn't see anything in papers that were shipped with machine. The needle position plug is a 4 pin molex 2x2 configuration. This plug is 2 pin molex connector. I guess i will have to throw a multimeter on the socket when i get home in a few days to see what power it has and if it changes at all with the controls. If it is 5v i could wire up some leds i guess.
  10. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uxi7NzTpfxSST_HGIuDfLRZxCKqL7KOE/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vQ0TEgdi4SioQoZChFzCVXXysZvix_8u/view?usp=drivesdk
  11. Any idea what the 2 pin connector is for on back of servo motor on class 26 with eps?
  12. Is it possible to buy just an adapter for class 26 for flip down edge guide? I have a flip down edge guide already kicking around that looks exactly like the one sold by leather machine co. My class 26 machine arrives tomorrow I believe , and I guess I need adapter plate for it to work?
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