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Everything posted by EmilyRose

  1. Hey— thanks for clicking! I’m a new member, in my thirties and joined to learn more so I could buy a used custom saddle confidently. Nice to meet you here! When eye -balling a saddle what are some things you have learned to pay special attention to? I love reading on this forum and have tried to deduct what separates good, better, best. Below is a custom saddle from a maker who is no longer in business ( according to seller) and builder has zero online presence. I love details and I absolutely would love any insight from leatherworkers and saddle builders on what to pay attention to, other then straightforward basics when looking at a saddle for sale. This saddle is a 2 days drive, and if I could find a website, Facebook page, business card, or another saddle made by the same maker, to compare , I wouldn’t feel so clueless.
  2. Wanted to chime in and let you know how much I appreciated your reply. Thank you for the insight!
  3. I’m looking to purchase a saddle that is being advertised as a ranch wade saddle but has 3 breeching rings that where added on from an outfitter supply company and installed over the skirt. Are there any leather workers out there that would install such rigging on anything other than a mule saddle? Any insight is much appreciated! https://www.ebay.com/itm/296061495141?hash=item44eea3e765:g:z90AAOSw2mllXMg0&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4AlalmmpkgQ%2BW4xmrY28NNQeborOZHPyeZwR7B5%2BIQPdS5G9%2FJpldieyfle4brhY2LNo0bbNO8CBI0Fi4WFrLhJtJ7Fe9D8siQZPcHC%2FyrFsAfBIn6vcImgXjeqD11I3ZsYO9hACsHUbsk2QWtrXG44LplUWyhme8yN7tM7cP6%2BIYf1ju4vMHxDiH6ZTHqlzdiiIUmvhx6HlouH7JgERoPtdKk%2FdBgENlUlpu%2Fb3r5LCC%2FtGSW13Bp6AxRqDTpaT6gwslrGL4lFB6978rEzuspQeFvd4dF%2FktshAAeIcaheM|tkp%3ABk9SR_LvloH_Yg
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