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  1. It seems to be feeding properly, but the bobbin isn’t locking stitches.
  2. Believe I got the safety clutch working, did a test stitch and it was feeding well. It’s currently jamming badly in the bobbin after the first few stitches (gnarly bird nesting) so I believe I’m getting somewhere. Will update.
  3. So far what I’ve seen is the gear that’s moves the hook slightly moves as the hook does while I turn the wheel. Only moves a bit doesn’t fully rotate
  4. So far got the bobbin out of the case and can’t seem to find any thread jammed but still can’t get the hook to move while I move the wheel
  5. Got the walking foot to move slightly. Messing with the screws. Just doesn’t look like it’s lifting up enough when moving. Trying to get some test stitches in but now the bobbin hook isn’t moving.
  6. Are there any other screws that can possibly get the walking foot unstuck? I’ve been trying to readjust with the screw up top but only gets the presser foot to go up and down
  7. The inside foot can’t really be pushed down further. Right now it’s slightly above the plate, the walking foot is lower completely down. Whenever I try to adjust that screw and tighten it only the presser foot lifts
  8. Release button worked this time thankfully. Some how the stitch length has changed to 0 or the machine isn’t feeding correctly. Keeps sewing in the same place Walking foot isn’t walking.
  9. I got it to drop. Undoing all the screws probably helped. Not sure exactly what I did, put everything back together started testing the lifter pedal and it got stuck again. Before as I was testing the pedal I could feel it get stuck then would drop down. Wish I could’ve tried getting some stitches in. Will try and get it to drop again and give an update
  10. Will try this once I’m home, thank you
  11. Here is a video of the machine. Thank you to everyone who has been trying to help me out.
  12. So before it wasn’t moving much whenever I’d turn the wheel, now that I pry’d it out a bit it’s moving. Unfortunately the presser foot is still stuck up. Still moving it up and down trying to force it down but no luck. I’ll try uploading a video today showing what is going on with my dog feed as well. Violent clicks as I turn the wheel and needle is coming up from the dog feed.
  13. I see how the screw is held by a clamp and tried prying it out with some force, nothing yet will try some more.
  14. I have the screw loose but don’t see a clamp on my end. This is what I have on my machine
  15. The little pin button isn’t working, there’s no peal pressure behind it either when I press it. I’ve been moving the presser for up and down and it’s dropped slightly but not completely. The dog feed moves and so does the presser foot just not dropped. now what happens sometimes is as I turn the wheel when the needle goes to its lowest point as it goes back up the dog feed makes a loud clicking noise and jerks back. As I do this the walking foot isn’t moving at all while the presser foot is stuck up moving, as far as the shaft I don’t see anything that’s out of place but then again I don’t have much history with the mechanics of industrial sewing machines. Thank you all for the help so far Can you provide a photo of said clamp, don’t wanna mess anything up. Also it did drop slightly just not enough.
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