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Everything posted by NoahL

  1. That would've been an option back in Illinois, but now I live in Phoenix, AZ and I actually haven't seen ANY roadkill here, which I think is odd. My girlfriend definitely doesn't know the difference between deer and cow hides, but I do have this terrible habit of being honest
  2. Well, I just had a vague explanation written up (I'm not vegan/vegetarian, afterall) but then my work Internet decided to complain about my passwords and wiped it all out, so I'll write up an even more brief one. It isn't so much "killing of living things" as the fact that thinking, feeling creatures are being raised (often in very poor conditions) and killed (often inhumanely, from what I hear from the people working in meat processing plants) to provide food when (in today's world, at least) humans don't actually NEED to eat meat, with a few exceptions regarding allergies and digestive disabilities. In her mind, the desire for leather is just one more reason these animals are being raised in horrible conditions and killed inhumanely. She does have to wear normal shoes because we can't afford the vegan alternatives (except really crappy plastic shoes, and she's on her feet all day, so that won't work), but those are something she has to accept for the time being. My sheathmaking/pouchmaking desires are a hobby, not a necessity, and they can be done with cheap alternatives like Kydex and canvas, so she doesn't see any reason why I should need to use leather. That's the best I can explain it, being quite non-vegan myself. Thanks!
  3. Hi Johanna, Thanks for the quick response! I'm aware that animals aren't killed for their hides specifically, but for meat and then the hide is taken so it doesn't go to waste. The problem with that is the fact that's she is vegan, therefore she doesn't want them taken for the meat in the first place, hence the "free-range" and "dying of natural causes" portions of my post. I somehow doubt that she would simply accept the fact that they are a biproduct of the meat industry, unfortunately. My grandparents own a farm and some cattle (they raise the cattle for enjoyment and sell them when they need extra cash), and they do die from time to time, of course, but I don't know anyone that could tan the hides from that situation--if I did, though, then I'd be set . Thanks again! ~Noah
  4. Hey everybody! I recently began working with leather (knife sheath, key fob, practice pieces, etc) and I have really enjoyed it. I will soon be making a fancy knife sheath with a kydex liner and a belt pouch, and maybe a bracer or two. The problem with this interest is that my girlfriend is vegan, and as such is quite against the use of any animal products. She made an agreement with me that if a free-range animal died of natural causes and had its hide tanned (rather than being raised and killed for meat or leather specifically), that leather would be acceptable with her for me to use (she won't wear it, most likely, but she wouldn't be morally against me using it, at least). Have any of you very talented people out there ever found a place/person to purchase it from? I know it is probably an odd request, but I really enjoy leatherwork and I also really enjoy spending my life with my girlfriend, so I don't want to get rid of either one . Thanks everybody! ~Noah
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