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  • Location
    Calgary Alberta
  • Interests
    Psychedelics, leather and video games

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  1. I think I agree that red or brown with antique is going to look best for this piece, mahogany might be that nice inbatween thank you
  2. Can't pick what colour to make this bag. Black with red roses and green stems, or brown with the roses just antiqued or coloured red and green, or all red with the roses antiqued black.
  3. I've been leather crafting since February and this is the first project that I'm really happy with the results. It was also my first time tooling, I'm going to try something more detailed next.
  4. Yes I did paint and burnish the edges before sewing is that not the order you are supposed to do it In The pattern pack told me to finish all dye and painting before stitching. Yea it was like tacky dry maybe I didn't wait long enough. If I take the thread put and try cementing it before stitching will it come out better or is just because of the way it cut and finished the edges already? I was thinking about undoing it and adding a piece of leather in the middle, I think its called pipping ? Not to sure. I've already took it apart once so I don't really want to do it again.
  5. Thanks for the response. It's all practise at this point as I'm only a month or two into the craft. Im making this for my girlfriend, she doesn't seem concerned about the imperfections but they do bother me. I traced and cut this from a pattern pack so I would have to change the dimensions to cut it after, I made my phone case that way so I understand what you mean. I'm going to try cutting sanding and burnishing the edge. Hopefully it works well.I had a really hard time using the contact cement. It wasn't sticking at all when I tried on a sample piece so I just went without. Anyways this is my first project like this and I'm pretty happy with how's it's coming out and I know the next one will be better.
  6. I was thinking either sand it down or cut it off but I'm not sure how it's going to look after. figured i would ask here for some advice.
  7. Thank you I made a trip to Tandy today and bought a wood slicker and burnishing solution an edge beveler and an xacto knife set, and a couple patterns I'm going to try making a bag but first I'm going to do some research and watch some videos to get an ideal of what's required before I start. A rotary tool you say, I have that I'll give it a try.
  8. Awesome thank you so much this sent me down the rabbit hole I needed to find.
  9. 100% I actually don't own a beveler yet, and the first couple I made used this circular pizza cutter thing? It lost its sharpness very quickly after seeing some of the posts here I'm excited to try my hand at some things like a knife sheath I'll try to get some nice edges on it. Any tips or products you guys use to get that sheen on those edges? Awesome man. thanks I appreciate it
  10. I was gifted a couple tools on Christmas but didnt get around to making stuff till I bought some leather and additional tools in February these where the first couple of things I've made since then
  11. Hello I'm new to the world of leather crafting and was looking for a place to show off/ learn how to get better.
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