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I need 2d and 3d leather stamps and sets. I work with scout and youth groups and am trying to get 2 each of all the pictorial leather stamps and stamp sets. If you have some that you are no longer using I could sure use them. Between Craftool, Midas, and The Leather Factory 3d stamps there were about 740 made. Not including the sets. I have less than half of those. So here is the deal: 1. If you could donate stamps that would be fantastic. My address is listed below. In fact I will take any tools that you want to donate. I especially need sets of the 10 "basic" stamps, mallets, swivel knives, tool racks, etc... 2. I have about 260 extra stamps, that I have 3 or more of, that I'm willing to trade for other stamps I need. 3. I am willing to pay for stamps, but to be honest, if you are looking to make a lot of money, then list them on ebay. I would like to buy large lots of the stamps as shipping can get expensive buying stamps one or two at a time. This is what I need: Scout Stamps - I want to get about 6 of each of these, so here is what I need: Note: These stamps may or may not be marked Craftool and the numbers on the stamps may have been used on other stamps. That is why I included the description. Cub Scout Stamps 6 - 8532 - 2 Finger Peace Sign - Not an official scout stamp but it is a symbol for Cub Scouts 1 - 8401 - Cub Scout 5 - No Number - Commonly referred to Cub Scout style 2 2 - 8445 - Tiger Scout 3 - 8442 - Bobcat 1 - 8441 - Wolf 3 - 8443 - Bear 0 - 8444 - Webelos 5 - 8440 - Arrow of Light Boy Scout Stamps 1 - 8402, 8414 or no number - Eagle Emblem 5 - 8508 or 8543 - Eagle with BSA on Front 6 - 8508 - Order of the Arrow - Indian Head 6 - 8545 - Order of the Arrow - Indian Head - looks like 8508 but it is a different look 6 - 8411 or 8511 - Order of the Arrow with arrowhead on it. Wood Badge Stamps 5 - 8544 or 8410 - Axe and Log 4 - 8412 - Fox 5 - 8413 - Buffalo 6 - 8414 - Antelope 6 - 8415 - Bear 6 - 8416 - Owl 6 - 8417 - Bobwhite 4 - 8418 - Beaver 6 - 8419 - Eagle Girl Scout 5 - 8483 - Girl Scout Contemporary 6 - 8484 - Girl Scout Trefoil 5 - 8485 - Daisy 5 - 8486 - Brownie 4-H 4 - 8216 or 8450 - 4-H symbol Midas Stamps - I only have about 1 box of these so I basically need all I can get. There are at least 190 of these stamps up to about 203. The Leather Factory Stamps - People often confuse these with craftool and midas With the exception of a few, the stamps number range is between 8501 and 8548. I have very few of these and no duplicates so I need all of them. Craftool - 8200's - I am surprised at how few of these I have. There are about 69 of these and I have less than 30. with very few duplicates. 8300's - I have a lot of these with duplicates. But I still have about 25 that I need 1 or 2 of. 8400's - I have about half of these with very few duplicates. 8500's - 8500 to 8574 - I only have a handful of these with only 2 that I have duplicates of. 8575 to 8599 - I have 1 of each of these so I need duplicates. 8600's - there are 15 of these that I do not have. I have 1 of each of the rest with few duplicates. 8700's - None Issued 8800 - These came out last year and are the 1/2" or 5/8" 2d and 3d stamps. I have 1 complete set of these but I still need 3 more because I am going to donate 2 to the local scout office. So if you would like to donate any of these they will go directly to the Local BSA. Please send me photos of what you have and how much you want for them or if you are willing to trade. FYI - I have no desire to sell any of this stuff on ebay or any other place. Even the stuff I buy. So I am not looking to get stuff cheap and resell it. They will be used during scout and youth group events and classes. In fact, I just joined a maker space and they already asked me to do leather classes. Any extra stamps and tools that I acquire will be used to trade for what we need and to fill in stamps that our local BSA is missing. However, I have made a few deals with some people that I sell their leather tools, and once I raise an agreed upon dollar amount, I got to keep the rest. That is the only time I will sell stuff. Please send to: Dale Prezgay 4800 Crimson Glory Lane Las Vegas, Nv 89130 702-768-3335 NOTES ON DONATIONS: First of all I realize it is a lot to ask for donations, especially in this economy. Rest assured that these will be used for a good cause. So you can feel good about that. I am mainly trying to get as many of the 2d and 3d stamps as I can. However If you would like to donate any other leather tools we can use them. I am trying to put together 24 tool kits that the scouts, that do the leathercraft merit badge with me, can take home and practice during the week between classes. So I need tools that would go in that toolbox. I also need: 2- 8130 3- 8131 5 - 8135 1 - 8136 The wood alphabet sets any 3/8" set. Preferably with numbers. Like Craftool 4907 & 4908. or Realeather T8133 is a good one. Any 1/4" alphabet sets with numbers. Any other complete or incomplete letter and number sets. I would like to have at least 1 of all the other sets just for variety during certain classes. Any stamp sets - Native American, sports, text terms, emoji, cartoon, zodiac, 8500, 8501, inspirational word, etc. I have very few of these and the smaller ones sometimes get lost. Handle stamp sets - The only ones of these sets that I think the kids would be interested in are the Cross set, Large and Small Barb Wire set, The circle stamps with the star, rope and barb wire in it, Steampunk Gears set, Iron Works set and Armed Services Set, The Baron smiley face stamps. Of course all are welcome. Baron Harley Stamp - The one with the number 1 on it. OK, this one is for me and the parents that I let make their own key FOBs. Other handle stamps - Here is what I'm looking for: Craftool - No-Letter stamps. I'm trying to get all the stamps that are needed to do any of the craftaids that were made. Based on the list I got from the internet, I still need 6 letter stamps and 242 no letter stamps. Any other stamps would be greatly appreciated. Letter stamps, A, C, D, E, G, J, K, L, M, N, P, S, U, V W, Y AND Z stamps are used the most. Baron, Midas, Kelly, Craft Japan and others - Any stamps that are like 2d or 3d stamps would definitely be used by the kids. a lot of the Baron and Craft Japan stamps are like that. Also any stamp that makes an interesting border would be cool. Slickers Edge Bevelers - Especially No 2 and 3 Swivel Knives and blades. Setters - Snap, Rivet, eyelet, etc. Hole punches Embossing tool and wheels - These would really be nice to have. Leather Shears Mallets and Mauls Burnishers Poundo Boards and Clicker pads Any hardware - rivets, snaps, conchos, grommets, spots, buckles, etc... Books, Stencils, Craftaids and patterns Leather kits - even those old ones that never got used. Doesn't everyone need a leather visor. All-in-one dyes - This is the only dye they have time to use. Any high quality tools - I would like to have some of these but I would be afraid they would get stolen. So I would probably trade these for other tools. But feel free to donate them if you want. Cash or Tandy gift cards - Always welcome. I will use these to buy stuff at tandy when it goes on sale or clearance. (I have purchased 3d stamps for as low as 1.25) Anything else I may have forgot to put on this wishlist. Thank you for any donations and especially for reading this far. Dale Please send to: Dale Prezgay 4800 Crimson Glory Lane Las Vegas, Nv 89130 702-768-3335
Looking to buy 2D/3D Leather Stamps I need the following for my Scout's set of tools: Craftool 8216 4-H Symbol Craftool 8240 Crescent Moon Craftool 8371 Shriner's Symbol Craftool 8389 Sports Car Craftool 8401 Leather Hide Made In USA Craftool 8433 Standing Goose Craftool 8447 Armadillo Craftool 8478 Cowboy/Horse/Lasso Craftool 8479 Bronco Rider Craftool 8480 Bull Rider Craftool 8484, 8485, 8486 Girl Scout Stamps Craftool 8488 Barrel Racer Craftool 8498 Indian Chief on Horse Craftool 8508 Church Craftool 8511 Sword in Bible Craftool 8513 Dove Craftool 8516 Motorcycle Craftool 8522 Flying Saucer Craftool 8523 - 8531 All the Jewish Stamps Craftool 8532 2 Finger Peace Sign Craftool 8533 Celtic Cross Craftool 8536 Rearing Horse Craftool 8537 Running Wild Horse Craftool 8538 Attack Eagle Craftool 8539 Roaring Bear Craftool 8542 Ying/Yang Craftool 8645 Lion Face Front Leather Factory 8501 Eagle Head Right 8502 Deer Head 8507 Wolf Head 8540 Wild Cat Midas 8234 Wild Boar 8339 Kangaroo with Joey 8344 Religious Fish 8347 Flower 8379 Cowboy Boots Willing to pay a reasonable amount or you could donate them. Shipping to Las Vegas, NV 89130 Thanks, Dale