Everyone one has there own idea of the best and highest quality tools and there are different reason that make certain tools better than others. Steel type and materials used, Design, and price. Whats in your tools box? Name the best tools and who makes them that you appreciate and why! Round Knives, Mauls, Stitch groovers, Sewing Awls, Scratch awls, Burnishers, Compass, Stitch chisels, prick chisels, Edgers, Stitching Pony and Clam, Hole Punches....Etc.
Stitch Groove- I just Bought a Versa Groove and when comparing it to tandy's, wow its night and day.
Round Knife- I love my LW round knife especially the back cut portion
Slowly building up my Barry king collection, very satisfied with the quality of beveler's and sewing awl
Maul - the BK slant maul is my favorite, the grooves in the head are perfect
I have started accumulating various array of tools, started out with tandy and slow started to buy higher quality tools. LW, BK, Osbourne, Chuck Smith, Blanchard, etc.
This all Started when try to find a quality V-groover and I still havent found one, anyone know a high quality v-groove?