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How surprised was I to find no category for airbrushing or compressors!

Anyway, ever since I bought an 801 skiving machine with a purpose made vacuum system and waste bag I've been looking out for a quiet compressor to drive it (the waste system). Thus far I've been using a long air pipe and a noisy 50ltr jobby in the garden but I've just moved into a small 2 bed bungalow with no place at all for a noisy compressor.

I learned that the really quiet ones like Jun-Air or Bambi are an arm and a leg to buy so my ears pricked up when an older Jun-Air came up on Ebay for a song.

I didn't hold out much hope that it would drive the waste system but at £185 and refurbished I reasoned that if it didn't I could still be spraying leather with a big smile on my face.

I ended up getting it for £130 but hold on! This ain't no fairytale.

Here it is.


I had a mooch around the net and found this

Jun-Air 6-4 Quiet Running Compressor - 32 l / min at 8 bar (esska-tech.co.uk)

Great joy thinks I.

Then it arrived





Back down to earth I came. And that wasn't the worst of it. The motor is fine and very quiet but there's no output.

Now this is where I'd normally say " If I didn't have bad luck I'd have no kin luck at all", but I don't think this is the case this time. I've been refunded £80 so it stands me in £40. I've shown the damage to Jun-Air and they're sending a replacement for the broken bit gratis, well done Jun-Air and they sent a users manual and spec sheets and parts list and I think I'm gonna enjoy this project so all in all I'm happy.



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