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This is from the strap belt I've made not that many weeks past. Dyed with Fiebing's Pro Dark Brown, conditioned with a thin application of neatsfoot oil, and sealed with three coats of Fiebing's Resoline (tm) cut to a 50/50 mixture. There was no rub-off after applying the neatsfoot oil or after the Resolene (tm), and until today had none. Tonight, when I took off the belt, there was some rub-off on my pants in the buckle area.

Aha! I thought. There was originally more rub-off where I cut the holes, so it must be from the rivets and/or the belt holes. Started making plans of trying to remove the two rivets securing the buckle and reapplying the Resolene (tm). Then I thought, I need to rub over it to find exactly where it's coming from.

Herein lies the mystery: I'm getting no rub-off at all. Not even running a cotton swab in the belt holes. Nothing. Checked the rest of the belt, including edges. Still nothing.

This leads to three questions:

  1. Is there a way to track down the source of the rub-off?
  2. What will be the best way to reseal it?
  3. Is there a way to get the rub-off stain out of clothes?

The answer to question three is likely "There isn't," and I've already told my wife. But it isn't visible with a belt.

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