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Having worked with wood and metal epoxys for a time I found this helps a great deal with my leatherwork.

When I cut a piece for any project, I always cut a little extra piece from the same leather and location. I case it when I case the piece the same way(immersion,quick case,spray bottle, etc.)

First off, I know when the piece is ready for tracing, tooling (burnish) and what the piece is going to look like when I oil it. If it needs darkening then I practice on the little piece. Come time to antique it I lacquer and antique it too.

So far I have had no surprises when I finish a project.

I hope that this is of help to some- especially beginners- I know that a LOT of my projects came out NOTHING like I thought they would when I began this great hobby.



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Thanks for the tip, it makes a lot of sense and I wouldn't have thought of it for at least a couple years!

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