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    my consew 226 just started to have this problem of turn hand wheel to get needle at high point , and it seems like wheel has no tension to hold it there and it drops down about half way . searched and searched and cannot find anything similar to compare and fix/tighten . thanks so much if you have seen this  problem before. Just an old timer that appreciates tools and for a few years now captivated by  the "engineering of the "SEWING MACHINE" . Mostly fixing our dog toys , and RV upholstery. Sorry I posted in wrong category , all I saw was help wanted and thats what I was looking for . 

  • Moderator

You are now in the correct forum to discuss and diagnose problems with industrial leather sewing machines. While you aren't sewing heavy leather, you have a machine that is capable of sewing almost 3/8 inch of soft to medium temper leather, or many layers of cloth or synthetics.

I don't have a Consew, but all but one of my machines have walking foot mechanisms. Without having your machine in front of me, or seeing a video of it being turned over, my best guess is that the pressure foot may have too much pressure. This would reduce the rotational window where you can wheel to TDC before the pressure forces it to proceed downward. This is a shot in the dark, but try it anyway. Back off the foot pressure and see if the needle can be held up at TDC.

  • 2 weeks later...

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