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Hello all,

I picked up a Singer 29-4 with treadle table this past weekend. I'm in the process of breaking it down to scrub, remove rust, re-oil and replace some worn parts. There is one part that I cannot figure out how to remove. The screw post on the upper tension. I'm not sure if I can tap it out with a punch or what the best way is since I cannot find an exploded parts view. (On a 1915 machine, I didn't really expect to) I have one on the way to replace it as well as a manual and parts list. Any advice is appreciated as well as I tackle this. 


I've attached 2 photos of my machine as well as a photo of the part. 

29-4 Repairs (1).jpg


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The thread post / tension unit on your machine seems not to be the original part. Looks like someone replaced it with home made parts. Usually there is a hole on the underside of the bulge where the threaded post is mounted. The original post can be hammered out for the underside with a pin punch. So I`m not sure what the former owner did - maybe he tapped a thread into the bulge....

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