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Good Morning,

For the past several weeks, whenever I sign in, I get a big headding "Forbidden" followed with some stuff about a "404Error". I have this page on my "Favorites" list, so that when I click on it, the Forum page comes up rather than the Main Page. The page comes up fine, and I click on Log-In and that comes up fine. When I log-in, I sometimes get a real quick "You are Logged In" and then the "Forbidden" or sometimes it just goes to the "Forbidden." When I go back over to favorites and click on my LW.net, this forum comes up with me signed in. That's OK when I'm signing in on my own computer, but I can't sign in anywhere else...

Does anyone else have this problem?


  • Members

I don't have this problem on any machine that I log into this site on. I can tell you that a 403 is a forbidden and a 404 is not found. My hypothesis is that you have a favorite with variables in it, and when the page tries to assign new variables, it assigns a link at the end and you end up with something like this: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?h...showtopic=11404 (which should yield the same error you have).

My opinion is that you need to recreate your bookmark link with: http://leatherworker.net/forum , as I think your's has variables (perhaps session ID's?), on the end. (Variable are indicated by the ? following the page name. For example, if I wanted to pass the variable 'user' with a value of 'Mike', I would write the string as: http://leatherworker.net/forum?user=mike . You need to remove all of the variable your favorite link may have - including the ?.)

Again, my hypothesis.


  • Moderator

I had another member report a similar problem, but I don't see anything amiss in the forum, and I can't duplicate the issue. I will look around the IPB forums today and see if I can figure anything out. Dickf makes a good point about checking your bookmark- the URL to the forum is



  • Ambassador

Hi, I'm the other poor schmuck having this problem. :innocent: Now, this is a very uninformed opinion, but... I think it's related to my user ID. I've tried on two different browsers and two different computers. I've recreated bookmarks, emptied caches... Same forbidden message.


You don't have permission to access /forum/index.php on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

I envy Jo for having the patience to look into these types of problems... :lol:



Same problem here, but only from my home machine. From work, I sign on fine.

  • Contributing Member

If it ain't LW, and it ain't other places except at home, then the possibility is that your DNS (Domain Name Service) hasn't refreshed properly. 404 indicates it can't find the page. DNS Servers often need to be rebooted, or attended to, sometimes they are slow to do so.

I use Open DNS ( http://www.opendns.com )

It's a reliable service that is not tied to your ISP.

You just plug the new numbers into your router, or PC, and enjoy a dedicated service that is attended to, instead of neglected.

A test to see if it is your DNS, would be to open a command prompt window, (type "cmd" in your xp Run box or Vista Search box) and type:

ipconfig /flushdns

then type:

ipconfig /registerdns

Without getting too technical, it will erase and rebuild your dns cache. If the ISP has rebooted or somesuch since you last logged on, it will refresh your cache with current page knowledge. If that doesn't work, try the OpenDNS service. If it finds the page, than that was the problem.

But what the hell do I know....


OK, I don't know a server from a cashe from a rock. Unfortunately, my kids have gotten married and moved out (OK, maybe there's an up-side) but there's nobody here to explain it to me.

I just deleted LW.net from my favorites, Googled it, got on the Forum, and then re-loaded it in my Favorites. When I logged back in, the Forbidden didn't come up, so I guess the problem's fixed. Thanks for your patience in trying to explain it to me!!


  • Moderator

Just out of curiosity, what kind of browsers do you folks who are affected by this use? Do you have any third party cookie controls installed? It may help someone down the road if we can figure out a pattern. rdb, the DNS was my first thought, too, especially since it only seems to bother some computers, but it's gotta be in the cookies somehow? I think I'll make cookies with my kids this afternoon. The choc chip kind, not the computer kind. Mike Craw- tell me again how the kids move out eventually? I need to keep hearing it so that I have something to hope for in the future. They can eat all the cookies they want in their own beds at their own houses...


  • Members
Yep. It appears that those of us with the problem have bookmarks pointed to:


The bookmark needs to be updated to point to:


Otherwise, some of us get the forbidden message.

Those are actually the same thing.


Le'ssee, first thing first. Yes, they both moved out on their own, without threats. All we had to do was buy each of them a wedding and reception and then they come back and eat once a month rather than every night! Johanna, just make sure you don't make things too good for them to leave :evillaugh:

As to what kind of browser...look who you're asking! I've got that "E" with a circle around it like a halo internet explorer. Is that what you mean?


  • Ambassador
Those are actually the same thing.

Agreed. They should be the same. But one performs differently than the other, at least on my PC. A while back, we were having similar issues with links that had the "www." in front of "leatherworker.net." Supposedly the same page, but not quite... :dunno:

On my end, I've seen the issue with IE7, Firefox and 3.0. At least it seems like several of us who were having this problem have found a way around it now!

Thanks for the suggestions posted in this thread. :)


  • Members
Agreed. They should be the same. But one performs differently than the other, at least on my PC. A while back, we were having similar issues with links that had the "www." in front of "leatherworker.net." Supposedly the same page, but not quite... :dunno:

On my end, I've seen the issue with IE7, Firefox and 3.0. At least it seems like several of us who were having this problem have found a way around it now!

Thanks for the suggestions posted in this thread. :)


The discrepancy between having the 'www' in front of the address is a real pita. That, indeed, does makes things different, and it's all how the host is setup (lw.net). The lw.net/forum and lw.net/forum/index.php issue, however, are the same thing. The host looks for the file 'index.*' (where's * is a wildcard - php, asp, htm, etc) first, before any other file. When you access lw.net/forum you are accessing the index file.

When I write applications that have to go fetch outside data(particularly in Flash), I'm usually working around IE and FF because without the www's, Firefox will sometimes ignore the path altogether.

In any case, I'd wager that using: http://www.leatherworker.net/forum as your bookmark/favorite link will fix you right up.


  • 3 weeks later...
  • Members

I have the same issue, however it only occurs when I am using OPERA. I use IE 7 at the job and never see any issue.

My workaround is logon to site as normal - get the error - and then access site via my bookmark and I am signed to site with no issue.. again this using OPERA.

  • Members

So far everyone has 1 thing in common - bookmarks/favorites. I suggest re-bookmarking the site, while you're not logged in already.

  • Members

I'm now starting to get the "forbidden" page but I got myself a new computer last weekend and when I installed Firefox I put in a addon that keeps tracking cookies active on accounts that I don't log out of and if I try to log into LW.N without paying attention whether I logged out of the previous session then it has given me forbidden pages if I log in while still logged in.

I'm going to keep track of what goes on on my end and report back in a few days to see if I get rejected while doing a legit log in.


I was getting the ''Forbidden'' thing too and just kept clicking on the Leatherworker.net and it would finally work for me. It started to do this immediately after my friend cleaned up my computer and he said it was probably caused from him deleting the cookies. I don't know, I am as computer illiterate as you can get. The exact words that were displayed were:

''403 Forbidden


You don't have permission to access/forum/index.php on this server

Additionally, a 404 not found error was encountered while trying to use an Error Document to handle the request.''

This is all foreign language to me but maybe one of you people know what it means.

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