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Guest Luka Johnson

Unique pair of leather gloves commision

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Guest Luka Johnson

Hi! I have a really unique design for a pair of leather gloves in my head that I would love to have made!


Here's the description I sent to someone who was unable to fulfill my desires.

"My Idea is based on archery principals basically as I'd like a pair of gloves for bowhunting, The gloves would be different for each side as one hand holds the bow (left in my case) and the other draws the string (Right).

I was considering the right glove which would be used to draw the string would be able to have three full fingers whilst the thumb and pinky remain fingerless as they are in the above gloves, I would also like the buckle strap to be upon the bottom side of the wrist on the right hand so the whole top of the hand could be covered, that would simply be more comfortable for me.

The left hand would have the biggest changes, although the fingerless fingers will remain the same I am wondering if the wrist area could be extended up the arm as an arm guard to protect my forearm from being whipped by the bowstring upon release, I would like it to all the way up just before the elbow, it has to hug the skin so the bowstring does not get caught upon release, in this case the buckle straps (and I imagine there would have to be a few (maybe 3 or 4)) would have to remain on the outer side of the forearm (whilst holding arm out straight with fingers lined vertically or upper side when holding arm out with fingers lined horizontally (hand flat like knife hand for reference)) in order to make sure . I do like the Idea of the left glove missing the first buckle so the whole top of the hand can be covered and fit snuggly into the glove with the buckles only required on the arm guard section of the glove.

Would this be possible? and what would the pricing be like? "


Celtic Gloves Suede Brown - Etsy New Zealand

^these are the gloves that I'm referencing in the above description of what I wanted.


If anyone could help me with this I would be super Happy!!

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