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Searching for a Cobra class 4 Type of Machine EPS Tucson Area

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I'm trying to supplement my social security with something that I love, working with leather. The machine needs to sew through heavy veg tan leather. I make holsters, knife sheaths, belts, and bags. 

Some people might argue that what I'm after is over kill, but I don't want to be limited if and when I consider other products to produce.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Edited by Cranky
mis-spelled words

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I have a Singer Class 97-10 Harness machine and a Luberto #9 Stitcher. I live in Tucson and contemplating selling some of my machinery.  


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Sorry, TKR. Don't mean to be rude. We were our of town for the week of the 4th. I really have my sites set on a cobra class 4. Thanks.

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