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Singer 111W155 presser foot lift

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I'm more frustrated than embarrassed, so here goes.  I got this machine a few years ago and totally went through it, including priming, painting and proper decals. It was and is a great machine and I learned a lot. I got a lot of that learning help right here, thank you!    Fast forward :   I have done several projects each year since, as I am a hobbyist, not a production guy.   A few days ago the presser foot quit lifting. I'm sure I did something wrong, left a screw loose, etc.  I got my manuals out, re-visited Uwe and YT, checked this forum for history. I spent four hours this morning trying to get it back

  • The puzzle to me is understanding mechanically what even makes that foot lift at all. It is obvious that the mechanical linkage raises the center vibrating foot - not obvious to me at least what raises the presser in each cycle. I have adjusted the eccentric and the vertical travel. 
  • I don't know where to set the small block that the tip of flat spring rides on. I have moved it up and down quite a bit.
  • Likewise the topmost clamp guide thing - not sure where to set it. It appears its only function is to guide and keep things straight.
  • The clamp screw on the back that holds the tension release mechanism on - is it supposed to be tight, or loose enough for the presser bar to move inside? If it is supposed to be tight, where on the presser bar should it be?
  • I have a new replacement eccentric but never got into removing the main shaft. The old one works, but it was missing a set screw - not the major one that pins it to the shaft, but one of the pair that "locks" the adjustment.

I hope that's not too much information. Thanks!

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Spent a little more time. There are some adjustments procedures hidden in a couple of the manuals available today. What I have discovered is there are relationships between the eccentric, the big head pinch screw linkage, the lifting bracket position, the bottom clamp the flat spring pushes against and the two feet positions and action. I actually got both feet lifting decently. Somehow, without touching the hook timing, it is now way out. I am leaving it all alone for a while!

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Now I am wondering how change the eccentric or the linkage coming from it could have changed the timing. The timing was very good when the presser foot quit lifting. Puzzled.

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