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Hello all,

I would like to first say that this seems like a great forum. I joined a few days ago and have since learned a fair bit. Second, I' like to introduce myself. My name is Chris and I'm from Ontario Canada. I have always been a knife user/collector but several months ago I was given some basic instruction and directed to Tandy leather by some other knife folk when I needed a sheath for my tomahawk. I was pretty much hooked after that and I'm always open to learning new tips,tricks and techniques. I'm also always open to finding new outlets to have my work critiqued especially by people why really know their stuff. Anyway, with some free time on my day off my girlfriend helped me throw together a webpage so for anyone interested, here it is http://lindeysheaths.googlepages.com/home . So for anyone with some time to kill feel free to have a look and drop me a line with any pointers, suggestions or just to say hello. I also have a few links on there to peoples sites who have been a big help so far. Cheers.


Chris Lindey

  • Ambassador

Hi Chris welcome to the forum we are glad you found us, Don

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Thanks for the warm welcome gents. I took a look at your work. Very impressive. Cheers.


  • Ambassador

Good to have you here, Chris. We're lucky to have a number of really talented sheathmakers on this forum, so if you have any questions (or any pics of your new projects), please feel free to post them!

:welcome: Alex

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