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Hello from Yorkshire UK.

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Just to say hellow from Ian in Yorkshire in the UK. I have been lurking about the site since November and thought it was about time I ntroduced myself and say little about my leathercrafting experience.

I have been dabbling in leathercraft for about four months and at to learn the little I know from books and reading from posts on this site. I originally started to be able to repair my saddlery so I only wanted to know about stitching, so purchased some basic tools from a friend who showed me some of the work he did. This inspired me to have ago so bought some basic tooling and carving tools and started to have ago. Wanting to learn more and see others work I came across you guys and what an inspiration you are. I know I have a long way to go to reach your high standards may some day with practice I will get there.

Greatest thing was been able to make christmas presents fo r friends and family great joy from making and seeing them pleased at recieving having gifts crafted by me.

Heres a few pics of some of the gifts I made

This is the 3rd billfold I have made

DSC00091a.JPG DSC00090a.JPG



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Lookin Good! Keep pluging away at it, and you'll get better.

We are all in transition, and all have to progress through trial and Error. Although less "Error" through the help of membership of everyone on this site. So dont be afraid to speak up about anything...

We Got ur Back


Edited by Greybeard

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Welcome to the forum, Ian! You've made a great start in your leatherworking.

We in the UK are outnumbered thousands to one by those in other countries, particularly the US, but they don't seem to hold that against us! :) It's one of the friendliest places you could hope to land in, and the knowledge and experience that lurks in its pages is boundless!

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Welcome to the forum. Have a good time looking around. Just when you see what you think is enough on here in previous topics, you dig further and learn more...

Greetings from Round Rock, Texas, USA

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From one Ian to another - welcome to the forum, just don't expect any recovery from the leather addiction here. If your not an addict now, believe me you will be :)

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Welcome Ian,

What Terry said :yes:

I'm in the UK as well.



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Welcome Ian!

Our fellow Brits (and my good mates), Terry and Karl, have already said all the right things. Drop me a PM if there is anything I can do to help you. best wishes, Ray

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Welcome, to the forum.

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I'm new to the forum and leatherworking also. Your projects look good, keep it up

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Hi Ian,

Welcome to the forum. I'm probably not too far from you - Hamsterley Forest near Barnard Castle. Although Yorkshire is a Big County.

Nice work and I do agree that giving presents that you have created yourself has a very special thrill.

Keep at it


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