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I was looking to see if anyone had any information on this machine. The serial number lookups i have found haven't been fruitful. I was curious of when this would have been manufactured as well as the value of this machine. It is a working unit. Thank you for your time!




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I have this same machine. BTW the Model 545 is similar to the earlier model 145. I you search here and other places there is a fair amount of Pfaff info available. Pfaff uses a numbering system that gives a lot of information about the machine. This is what I have come up with, it may not be 100% accurate. From the picture it looks like you have the original drive motor, not modified to a modern servo type. The value can vary but in my area would be 500 to 750? In my opinion Pfaff built a solid machine, sometimes parts may be a bit difficult to find and expensive compared to more common manufactures and all the clones.

Pfaff Model 545-H4-6/01   CLPMN

H             Lift Height

4              9/16”

6/01       Standard parts set


C             Medium heavy materials

L              Leather

P             ?

M            Safety (overload) clutch

N             Stitch length (if no differential or variable feed) 6.0mm



Large bobbin (M style)

3L belt

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P means 4 motion drop feed.  H4 is high lift.  Probably using needle system #190  Nice machine


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