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If anyone is near Tulsa you know we had an ice storm recently. During that storm I had a full house cause for part of it we were the only ones in the family with heat. And I discovered something. You cannot really make Christmas gifts for someone who is sitting on the couch with you :) So after everyone got power back I had to carve like the wind :)

After a year of doing leather I am still ...STILL trying to get decorative cuts to where I am pleased with them heh. Just can;t seem to get the draw right on the cut to get the look. But anyway here are a few pics of the things I am working on. Hope these images are not to big. Finished most of these up last night. Which is good cause they go out today to the folks I am giving them to heh.










You work well under pressure. From what I see, your Christmas gifts look good to me. Most of the time we are far more critical of our own work then non-leather craftsman are. I'd be happy receiving one of your gifts :thumbsup:



Wow, those are great! What a wonderful Christmas your friends and family will have... and the nice thing about making them yourself is that you can spend that time you make it thinking about the person it is for. Nice work!

  • Ambassador

Very nice looking work Ed. I really like the one with the HP initials.


  • Contributing Member

That's a nice group of gifts. Look pretty good to me and recipients will be pleased.

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thanks all. Everyone was indeed quite happy with them. The HP initials are my grandfathers name. And that is my fav of the peices as well :)

And I agree we are always far more critical of ourselves. It is odd...in my music I have developed the ability to somewhat hear what others hear when they listen.. But then I have been doing music for 20 years and leather for just over one :) So maybe 19 years from now I won't be quite so critical? nah :) hehe

Again thank you for the kind words. It is good to hear. And feel free to provide suggestions for making my carving better :)

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