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How do you adjust the top presser bar clamp so it grabs and lets go correctly?

Edited by ryano
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Hi there Davy

I found one in a museum once in Wanaka New Zealand. I was very intrigued by this bohemouth of a thing and took several photos of it. Also did a little research and found they were made in the states around the WWII area and shipped around the world. The Smithsonian Institute had some info on them.

It reminded me of the Golf bag stitcher that I once obtained and it was another huge heap of steel and it was a Puritan Golf bag stitcher that did a fancy stitch not a lock stitch.

If you are intersted to see the photos I will post for you.

Cheers Trevor K

Way down under

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I would love to see the photos!

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Well I really tore into my 97-10 today. It had a few different problems. The needle bar rocker frame rubbing the front plate(fixed), a couple of tapered bolts were too tight also causing the machine to turn over hard (fixed), I loosened and re tightened every nut, screw and bolt on the machine head. I also drilled out the upper needle guide and pressed in a needle guide bushing from a Landis 1 machine. I inspected, cleaned and oiled every moving part along the way. Now for the fun part, I need to adjust and time the stitch length cam. This may be a little tricky. I will start fresh with that in the morning. Hopefully it will be sewing soon. Once that is achieved, it's time to make some new presser feet and needle plates.

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OK guys.

Heres the pics that I took in the Wanaka Transport museum of the Singer 97-10. My mrs thought I was nuts talking pictures of some old boat anchor sewing machine but I secretly thought that I wish I could own it and fancy it up and get it to sew something big.

Anyway I dont think the museum would have sold it anyway. (I didnt ask)

enjoy the pics

Trevor K

Way Down Under

and the rest...

Regards Trevor K

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Great pictures! Thank you! Great museum too!

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last one that didnt come out

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And the last photo

Cheers T



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Posted (edited)

The first set of pictures disappeared. Your pictures are helping me out a lot! Thanks!

Edited by ryano
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Sent you a pm w/pictures of the cam. Not sure if I did it right or not. I also have a copy of the owners manual and the parts list. I would like to know a price for the stirrup plate and foot. I'll also try to post two pictures here.



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That's what I needed and mine is in correctly. Just can't seem to figure it out right yet. Thanks for taking the time to take and post the pictures. I greatly appreciate it! Can I ask you of you another favor? Can you please take off the cover plate in the front of the machine, where the needle bar is located, and snap a few pictures of that? Thanks in advance!

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Posted (edited)

Thank you so much! You are a life saver! You just earned yourself a stirrup plate at no charge! I can see part number 58735 is home-made in mine. Do you have a part number for the foot you would like made so make sure we are on the right page with that? I will be studying your pics for a while. Thanks again!

Edited by ryano
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Well I think a may know a little more on whats going on with this machine now buy studying your pictures. It will take me a bit to get the machine up and going again. I'm working in the dark with no light, so to speak. I have no prints, nothing to refer to as far as measurements. I now see 3 parts that have been replaced with parts that may have been made in a "local" machine shop. Hat's off to whomever made these parts(I think). A few things I that I see are wrong are that non of the corners have been chamfered causing binding in the corners because of lack of clearances. I will not let this machine beat me!

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Well thanks again for all your help. I got it up and going finally. I had every nut, pin and bolt out of it. I am now a 97-10 expert! lol I just need to adjust the tension a little.

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ryano; My computer has been down for a few days so I have not been able to keep up on your progess. Sounds like you are getting a handle on the old stitcher. If I can be of any more help just holler. Let me know of your progress on the additional plates and feet. Mike

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Thanks guys! It was a sweet challenge! I have rebuild a lot of machinery from robots, lathes, to CNC mills and the sewing machines are the most challenging. Well Mr. Peterson I would like to know the part number of the foot you would like. They are listed in the 97-10 parts manual. I am assuming a left and right foot. Once I have that I will get started on it for you.

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Oh by the way, I am going to run Landis I needles in my machine. They are a little long, but they will work fine with a little modification. I just do not want to step down to a 794 needle.

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It stitches very nicely. Here's a pic of it sewing 2 12oz pieces together with 277 top and bottom thread.



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