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Interviewed by a Norwegian magasine

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Sorry guys, I just escaped the groupie for a few mins to lurk around so must get back to it it..phew I'm exhausted...soon. Get back atcha tomorrow after I've been swimming with son. Got some stuff to finish and post too but waiting for the sun to shine so I can go out and try to get decent pics.


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Heres the article. Tried my best to translate from Norwegian.

" Tommy Hillgren, a Swedish leathercrafter

The magazine caught attention to the Swedish leathercrafter Tommy hillgren when the pricelists from last IFoLG show 2008 was published last fall.

He was listed with a third price in the open class of household and misc items that does not qualifie for other classes. The magazine visited Tommy this spring for a short talk and got to see the the price taking object that was a flasksheath with tooled carvings and braidings that was equally well made as the rest of the things he showed during the visit. We got to see a handicraft where form and original details together makes a beautiful and harmonic completion.

He has been working leathers for about ten years but makes his living in the board and paper pulp industry and work with leather on a hobby basis on his freetime.

It was John K Karnes, former VP of Lonestar leathercrafters that encouraged him to enter IFoLG 2008, wich seem to have been a good advice.

Tommy tells us further - I had a break for three years between 2004-2007 where I only made one item per year. The whole time I've been selling to friends and their friends. 2008 was a year with a real upswing for me.

We had some smalltalk and Tommy could tell me that in 2010 there are plans for a leathercrafting show in England instigated by a fellow from US, Ray Hatley, now living in UK. We also talked about that there are not so many leathercrafters active in Sweden but there are a couple of others, Knut Karlsson (who is mentioned in issue No 1, 2007) for example."

Thats about the whole article and the rest of the page is filled out with photos (even one showing me..uack..nasty)

All text taken from Laer, sko og skinn Issue No1 2009 By Alf Björnar Luneborg


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"We got to see a handicraft where form and original details together makes a beautiful and harmonic completion"

High Praise for a deserving individual! AND you gave a shoutout to another forum member. Very cool, Dude.

Thanks a lot for the transcript!

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You're welcome rdb!!!

I spoke of Tina and her move back to Sweden aswell. Also showed him the nice board we have here and the good members.

Aww when it comes to leather I sure can talk alot, time to post some proof soon..eh, don't you reckon?


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Hey, Tom, You snuck me in there too! Thanks buddy!

Hope you get loads of work from the piece and then you can buy me a beer when you come to the UK for the show.. LOL


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Hey, Tom, You snuck me in there too! Thanks buddy!

Hope you get loads of work from the piece and then you can buy me a beer when you come to the UK for the show.. LOL


Heck Ray, I buy you a beer anyway..guiness??

Yeah gotta do the little I can to point out that there is a new event closeby to Scandinavia going on so I specifically told Alf that there was a event planned in UK. I would not be surprised if Alf shows up!!


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