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Rotary Punch Anvils

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I have a couple of old Osborne rotary punches that I would like to change the anvils on. Can anyone tell me how to press the new ones in. I have tried a couple of ways but without great success. I almost feel like the shaft is to large but I obtained these from Hide Crafters and they are suppose to be the right ones. I am new to the sight so hope this isn't to repetitive. Any help would be appreciated.

What a great forum, I have already learned a lot of new tricks. Thanks to All.


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Hi Richard,

If you're absolutely sure that those anvils are from osborne, then they should just press in.... As long as your punch is osborne, those anvils should work. If they're not.... I believe Osbornes' are copper colored, and I think Tandys are brass...


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I also had a slight bit of a problem with mine. They are a fairly tight fit, so the easiest way I've found is, once you press them into place, turn the punch upside down & place that jaw (and ONLY that jaw, not the whole punch) on a small anvil or small mounted vice & hit it with a mallet to force-fit the anvil into place.


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Put the anvil in the freezer for about an hour or a little longer to shrink it and then press it in.

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Hey Guys!

If all else fails, you could use a trick Dale Harwood showed in his Saddle Making DVD. He took an old piece of scrap leather and backed the leather he wanted to punch through. That way the cutter never actually got through to the anvil. His cutters stayed sharp and he didn't have to worry about replacing the anvil.

Hope this helps.


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Thanks to everyone for the great advise. I also wrote to Osborne and Lisa there offered to install them at no charge so in my frustration I sent my two favorites back to them with the anvils I had so will see if they were correct. I have others so will try out my new learned techniques. What a great forum to belong to !!

Thanks Again

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