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FAQ of leatherwork

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I was poking around on Kevin's website when I ran into this FAQ sheet. Being an ex Tandy manager, and having visited Kevin's store, I snorted coffee out my nose laughing so hard. Kevin's been around a long time and has probably heard every question a thousand times. And no, he doesn't sell any magic products you saw on TV that are going to iron your couch back together when your pit bull has shredded it. He is not going to encourage you to try to dye your sun faded leather seats in your car. But people are going to do it anyway! I've seen them completely disregard expert advice (I wouldn't stick that suede jacket in the dryer, honey!) and they get stuck on an idea (I can microwave my leather to dry it out!) Here is the Stump the Chump FAQ from Kevin Hopkins, Springfield Leather Company, Springfield MO.


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