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Good evening all..A customer brought in a Circle Y pleasure saddle that is needing the horn redone. I usually talk people into just letting me recover with leather but lady wants this one rebraided.Can anyone give me a ideal on making a pattern for a one piece,10 stand covering for a 3"tall x 2" dia. horn covering? I can do the braiding once I understand how to shape the horn cap. The old rawhide is to torn up to use for a pattern even if I can get it apart in one piece. Which leads into another qustion,can a polyurathane type sealer be used instead of shalack be used to seal horn? Any help greatly apricated Ken( no spellcheck, sorry)

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just use a straight strip. Approx inch and a half wide,

I believe that there is a tutorial some where on the site , that may help ,

Each piece of rawhide will act different ly so you have to figure out your string cuts right on the horn.

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Thank you!..I'll try to look it up..Ken


the important thing is that the rawhide is prepared properly, a little on the dry side is better than too wet.

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