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craft fair sheaths

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I'm somewhat hesitant to post this picture because the quality of the pieces is Renaissance Faire quality...which in this case means very affordable. But for what they are, I like them. Note that the first sheath is made from just one piece of leather folded over a couple of times. No muss, no fuss, and fast to make. Well, didn't John Browning once make a rifle with only three moving parts, just to see if he could do it? I used rivets because they're fast and I don't need to use a welt. So, I'm not posting these as examples of fine work, but as examples of clever work (IMHO). The daggers are throwing daggers I buy for $3 apiece, the handles are wrapped leather, and I sell the whole assembly for $24. They've gotta be good, they're my most stolen item!





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My most stolen item (LMAO) must be the ones out front.

Looks good over all simple but well made.

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I like designs that work - and this one works well. It is exactly what it says on the packet. Nice job. How many do you lose in a year?

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Aah, I've only had two things stolen that I know of...so do the math :)


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