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Stitch issue - Singer 31-15

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Disclaimer: I'm a complete beginner to machine sewing.

I purchased this 31-15 awhile ago and had it cleaned and tuned back then. It sewed fine at the time but with very light weight thread used on regular cloth.

Now that I've equipped it for sewing boot components (roller feed and single dog), it's time to start practicing.

It's not going so good! I now seem to have two or more problems. The first of which I'll share pictures of.

1) You can see in the attached pic the stitching on the bottom is extremely loose. That's actually the best it's looked. Typically it's more of a tangled mess with no structure whatsoever. The example I showed is just sewing through a single piece of leather. When I try to sew two pieces together, I get the more tangled thread underneath.

2) The second problem I frequently have is the needle thread seems to get caught up in the shuttle hook.

Just hoping for opinions or ideas on what to look at or try. I have tinkered with the tension on both threads but it doesn't seem to make a huge difference either way.

The thread is 69 on top and bottom. Needle size is 19.

I'd like to avoid taking this machine in for service as I prefer to learn it's function and maintenance myself.

Any thoughts? Thanks!




Edited by jeeperaz

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You need more top tension so that the loops pull up into the leather.


Disclaimer: I'm a complete beginner to machine sewing.

I purchased this 31-15 awhile ago and had it cleaned and tuned back then. It sewed fine at the time but with very light weight thread used on regular cloth.

Now that I've equipped it for sewing boot components (roller feed and single dog), it's time to start practicing.

It's not going so good! I now seem to have two or more problems. The first of which I'll share pictures of.

1) You can see in the attached pic the stitching on the bottom is extremely loose. That's actually the best it's looked. Typically it's more of a tangled mess with no structure whatsoever. The example I showed is just sewing through a single piece of leather. When I try to sew two pieces together, I get the more tangled thread underneath.

2) The second problem I frequently have is the needle thread seems to get caught up in the shuttle hook.

Just hoping for opinions or ideas on what to look at or try. I have tinkered with the tension on both threads but it doesn't seem to make a huge difference either way.

The thread is 69 on top and bottom. Needle size is 19.

I'd like to avoid taking this machine in for service as I prefer to learn it's function and maintenance myself.

Any thoughts? Thanks!


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Thanks Art. That took care of the poor looking stitch.

I still have an occasional issue with the thread getting stuck in what I think is the shuttle hook. Also, an occasional missed stitch on top.

I'm going to change out the bobbin thread to something lighter and a different color so I can better distinguish between the two and get a better idea of what's going on. Stay tuned.

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Don't go backwards and always complete the stitch such that the thread tensioning lever (the gizmo that the thread goes through and goes up and down) is all the way to the top.


Thanks Art. That took care of the poor looking stitch.

I still have an occasional issue with the thread getting stuck in what I think is the shuttle hook. Also, an occasional missed stitch on top.

I'm going to change out the bobbin thread to something lighter and a different color so I can better distinguish between the two and get a better idea of what's going on. Stay tuned.

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Also make sure your needle is in correctly. It might be turned a little or not seated to the top. good luck

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