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I love a good bargain

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G'Day from downunder, Western Australia to be more precise.

I recently went to an auction in the south ,in a place called Mundijong, where a livestock auction is held every few months.Its held over 2 days . Day 1 is mainly poultry, ducks, chooks, etc.and sometimes farm machinery.

But on day 2, horses , saddlery, & tack etc.are auctioned off. The first time I went a few months previous, I came away with quite a fair bit of old tack( which is often valued amongst antique dealers & collectors), mainly for display in my workshop,and a couple of cheap G/P saddles, ( just $10.00 ea),as I would dearly love to learn to make saddles or at least be able to repair them, ...it was suggested from a dear saddle making friend, that I get some old saddles ( with trees in tact) so I can re-use the trees just to learn on.

At that same auction, there was a child size western saddle, in appearance it was in very poor condition, sheep skin very worn, covered in hay, bird crap and a mountain of dust & grime but underneath, was a beautiful handcarved design.My intentions were give it some minor repairs, some much needed TLC( learn a bit about saddles) and sell it.I had a $$ figure in my head , but amazingly it went for $350.00 (aus) , the same price as some of the full size western saddles in better condition ( go figure !!).

This recent auction, ( conducted in abismal weather, cold,windy, rained the whole time), I came away with loads of old tack , leather,hames etc for about $100.

However, there was also a western saddle (adult) which I had my eyes on the whole time , in good condition,lovely hand carved design, fleece slightly worn, stirrups need recovering,and a very minor repair on the pommel, very basic repairs really.I had my heart set on it!!! I really wanted my very first western saddle!!

( and besides , I wasn't gonna stand around all day getting my arse wet and come away with nothing.......nooo sireee.!!!!!!)

So,heres me thinking ( from experience) about $400- $500 (aus), but .....because I was so weighed down with all the the tack I just bought , I had no choice but to load it in the car... and in doing so ...I missed the bidding for the western saddle....*#$&*.....bugger!!!!...but luck was on my side, I was able to speak to the buyer of THAT saddle...she said to me :

" I bought it , but I don't know what I'll do with, it's a bit big for my young daughter....do you want it ????"

"How much?"

"You can have it for $125, the price I paid"

My wallet came out quicker than Clint Eastwood's quick draw.

In the end,I gave her $130 just for being a sweetheart....in some pretty bad weather too... and despite the fact we were all soaked to the skin , I had a GREAT day!!!

I love a good bargain!!!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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Can you post a pic or two so the rest of us can see your good luck purchase.

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