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What do you like to use for horn wrap material? chrome tanned, gray apron split type stuff..........other chrome tanned material, latigo, or ? Thanks JW.

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I use the grey apron split that is generally called mulehide, I have been using elktan lately and like using it very much., this will be my regular horn wrap from now on. I am putting it grain side out. the elktan goes on a little smoother and is very nice to rope with, it is a little stickier than mulehide and does not glass up near as quick, it will stretch more than the mulehide.

If you call someone like Caledon leathers in Calgary or Sheridan outfitters they usually have both in stock. Weaver has the mulehide, I'm sure there are more sources out there, but I am in Canada so I will use different vendors that you.

What do you like to use for horn wrap material? chrome tanned, gray apron split type stuff..........other chrome tanned material, latigo, or ? Thanks JW.
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Thanks Steve. I have been using the apron split grey "mulehide" for quite a few years. From a craftsman's viewpoint, I wish sometimes it would go on smoother, and from a cowpuncher's viewpoint, I wish that it didn't glass up and get so slick so quick. I have done some business with Vandy, and will be calling there in the next few days to order some stuff............so, I'll check on the elk tan then. Thanks, JW

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I've used latigo or mulehide. I like the mulehide better. Might look into the elktan. Does anybody know how "mulehide" got its name. I can't imagine it actually is.

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I use the grey apron split that is generally called mulehide, I have been using elktan lately and like using it very much., this will be my regular horn wrap from now on. I am putting it grain side out. the elktan goes on a little smoother and is very nice to rope with, it is a little stickier than mulehide and does not glass up near as quick, it will stretch more than the mulehide.

If you call someone like Caledon leathers in Calgary or Sheridan outfitters they usually have both in stock. Weaver has the mulehide, I'm sure there are more sources out there, but I am in Canada so I will use different vendors that you.

Steve, do you split the grey apron leather down or do you use it as is when you buy it?

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JWW, I also use latago and mulehide. For riders that are going to use it for more than looks, I use the heavier stuff and don't split it down, doesn't make sense to me to split a split. The whole reason for using a wrap is to protect the horn cover so I want a good wrap on it.

As to how mule hide got it's name , I was led to believe that it was origionally made from mules in the early days then when the source of mules began to deminish( thanks to John Deere,IH, Furgusen,ect..) horse hide was substituted, then when that market became less stabil it has pretty much gone to bovines.

I usually just order pear splits or apron slits. I have noticed some of the nicer saddles have been using other soft hides but I think it's more for appearence.I'll also look into the elktan. Regards, GH

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