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I am working on some leather wrist bands. Part of the wrist band is shown in the photo below. I need to glue a piece of square cotton canvas the same size as the leather square in the photo to the leather square. I've tried 3M super 77 and a Glue called Sew no more and neither work for very long.

Any recommendations?



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None lo-voc contact cement should work. Have you tried that?

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Try rubber cement. I read an article that suggested rubber cementing leather to canvas, rather than cardboard, to keep it from stretching while tooling. The canvas does not tear off on the leather and can be reused.

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I do lots of work with leather on canvas (pack bags, half breeds for pack saddles) I've had really good luck with a product called Val A Tearmender. Apply to each piece, when it's tacky put them together. If it doesn't seem like it is adhering right at first I might tap with a French hammer to help it adhere. Chris

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Try rubber cement. I read an article that suggested rubber cementing leather to canvas, rather than cardboard, to keep it from stretching while tooling. The canvas does not tear off on the leather and can be reused.

Thanks. I'm not looking to reuse the canvas though. I'm looking for a super strong bond that can handle being flexed because the bands will be bent around the wrist and taken off. :yes:

None lo-voc contact cement should work. Have you tried that?

I have not tried that. Is None a brand name? What is Lo-voc?

I do lots of work with leather on canvas (pack bags, half breeds for pack saddles) I've had really good luck with a product called Val A Tearmender. Apply to each piece, when it's tacky put them together. If it doesn't seem like it is adhering right at first I might tap with a French hammer to help it adhere. Chris

Does this provide a super strong bond that can handle being flexed? I'm looking for something that you'd have a h#ll of a time pulling apart. :)

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Lo-voc is a watered down version they sell in California, it has low fumes and doesn't work as well. Just use Barge All Purpose Cement in the yellow and red can. Scuff up the leather with sandpaper where you want to put the cement if it needs it, put contact cement on both parts, let it set up them put the two pieces together.

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Lo-voc is a watered down version they sell in California, it has low fumes and doesn't work as well. Just use Barge All Purpose Cement in the yellow and red can. Scuff up the leather with sandpaper where you want to put the cement if it needs it, put contact cement on both parts, let it set up them put the two pieces together.

I agree with KUSTOM, Barge is great stuff, but if you can't find it without mail order (Tandy has it) you might try WELDWOOD contact cement. It's available at most home and garden supply places. (Don't get the gel formula) You can get it in 4oz bottles so you won't go broke getting a bottle to try. Just apply with the enclosed applicator and LET IT DRY - not tacky. Stick the two pieces together and roll it to make sure of contact (I use an old wallpaper seam roller) It should do the trick. Mike

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I am working on some leather wrist bands. Part of the wrist band is shown in the photo below. I need to glue a piece of square cotton canvas the same size as the leather square in the photo to the leather square. I've tried 3M super 77 and a Glue called Sew no more and neither work for very long.

Any recommendations?


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I just signed on to this website, and not more than three hours before somebody asked me the same thing at one of our cowboy action shoots.

In the past 30 years, I have been taught several things about mating canvas to leather. The first is, if it stinks, don't use it. If you gotta use contact or rubber cement, then post a fan at your back and blow all the fumes away from yourself whether or not the room is ventilated. Secondly, read the instructions on the adhesive you are using. There are a lot of retail/craft store products out there that'll do the job, but some of them will differentiate between a temporary bond where you gop up one side and slap them together real fast or whether you gop up both sides, wait until they get tacky and press them together.

The third is that gluing cloth is not always the best thing to do because the less dense weaves will allow any glue to come through. Sometimes plain old retail glue sticks will workand sometimes, before stitching, even double sided tape will also work.

The only times I have used the canvas/leather combination was when lining a hunting bag or saddle bags or a pair of shoes, and I used a medium gauge canvas in the process.

I made a bouncer out of a steel rod and a ceramic doorknob, and will press the two halves together on a smooth marble slab to tighten the bond

The last thing I was taught was to fold the edges of the canvas so that the stitches hold permanently.

Right now I am using mostly Leather Factory/Tandy leatherweld or white glues, and relying on contact cement only when I need a really held fast bond before stitching, such as holster edges or welting/insole stitching on shoes.

Hope this helps, and,

Don't shoot yore eye out, kid

The Capgun Kid

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The Capgun Kid... Welcome to the forum.

Are you the same one who wrote an article on hand sewing leather on gunfighter.com? If so, it is one of the best tutorials I've read.

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The Capgun Kid... Welcome to the forum.

Are you the same one who wrote an article on hand sewing leather on gunfighter.com? If so, it is one of the best tutorials I've read.

Yup, tha's the rumor. How is it you read the chronicle? What's yore alias?

Thanks for the compliment

Don't shoot yore eye out, kid


  • 5 years later...
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Posted (edited)

Posted 30 August 2009 - 06:02 AM

'jeeperaz', on 29 Aug 2009 - 12:50 AM, said:snapback.png

The Capgun Kid... Welcome to the forum.

Are you the same one who wrote an article on hand sewing leather on gunfighter.com? If so, it is one of the best tutorials I've read.

Yup, tha's the rumor. How is it you read the chronicle? What's yore alias?

Thanks for the compliment

Hi, could you please add the link to this article or post it on this forum. I am very interested in one of the best tutorials :clapping:

Thank you.

Edited by olenawills
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Posted (edited)

Talking about 'Digging up the Dead'! This post was 6 YEARS OLD! :thumbsup: I think that's a record. The last time 'Thecapgunkid' was active was sometime in 2012!

Edited by RoosterShooter

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