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Leathersmith Supply Co. in Overland Park,Ks

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Hey all,

My name is Mark and I run The Leathersmith Supply Co. in O.P. ks. Fiebing dyes and finishes, C. S. Osborne tools (though not all of them), Pro Crafter stamps, patterns and hardware. I try to carry the most basic supplies and some things that you can't find elsewhere. I do special orders as well.

Give me a call (913-901-0105) or shoot me an email at leathersmithsupply@sbcglobal.net.

I have a small website with basics of what I carry. www.leathersmithsupply.com


Thanks for the notice. What kind of leather (tooling) do you carry, if any? Also, do you have any of the Large barb wire set in the Pro crafter series?

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Thanks for the notice. What kind of leather (tooling) do you carry, if any? Also, do you have any of the Large barb wire set in the Pro crafter series?

I have the Pro Crafter large barb wire in the 4 barb and 2 barb and the curved wire. The straight wire has been on back order. As far as veg tan I carry 8/9 and 6/7 in double shoulders and 6/7 in single shoulders. I quit carrying sides because nobody wanted that much. They are imports but I use them regulary with good results.


I appreciate the information. I am in search of that large straight. I will keep your site in mind. Thanks again.

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