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Recommended suppliers for online purchases

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Hi all -

I didn't see a topic specific to suppliers folks have had good experiences with for online purchases, so I thought I'd start one. I'm hoping this thread can be a spot for folks who are hesitant to order online (as I was). I would ask that folks refrain from posting negative experiences on this thread - I know it happens, but the purpose of this thread is for recommendations based on good experiences :)

My "A" list - and not in any rank order as they all have been excellent -

Leather Machine Co. and Cobra Steve. There are many posts about Steve taking care of you and having an excellent product - and for good reason he does!

Springfield Leather - I've ordered leather, supplies, and tools. Kevin and SL just plain ROCK!

HideHouse - I ordered tools and supplies - Ron answered all of my questions very patiently and I also got a great deal on some great stuff.

Campbell-Bosworth - tools and linen thread. Very helpful, and they have lots of linen thread choices and a good selection of Osborne tools.

Ialso buy from my local Tandy and Oregon Leather, and have received excellent customer service at both. I entered the leatherworking world not quite two years ago. What I've found is that generally, there is a personal attention to taking care of the customer, and a genuine attitude of caring that goes far beyond the general good business rule of "taking care of the customer is taking care of me". Maybe it's because we practice a traditional art and craft that carries with it a tradition of being personal - that the customer is not just a source of revenue, but a real live person whose name you know. Whatever it is, I'm glad for it and and to be part of it.


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